Embark on a 21km virtual challenge in the post-apocalyptic world of Dustland. Run, jog, or walk from anywhere, anytime, and earn your physical exclusive medal.

Join 200,000+ in the Dustland community.

🌍 21km of thrilling adventure
🌍 Set your own race timeline
🌍 All forms of movement welcome

Sign Up Now
  • As a total beginner to running, the Dustland Virtual Race was a game-changer for me. The structured plan and gradual progression made it so much easier to get into running. I went from barely being able to jog a minute to completing my first race in just a few months!

    — newnewbie

  • Yes, there's a fee, but the medal at the end is top-notch. Anything that helps me shed pounds and get an awesome medal is unbeatable!

    — Jim K.

  • I've been an occasional runner for years, but I never made much progress. Using Dustland Runner provided structure and motivation that I needed. I've lost weight, improved my cardiovascular health, and now I look forward to my runs.

    — lotso14

  • As a mom of two young kids, I struggled to find time for exercise. Dustland's program was a lifesaver. The gradual approach helped me regain my fitness, and I can now keep up with my active children effortlessly.

    — mamapokemon

  • The Dustland Virtual Race is an incredible experience! It keeps me accountable and pushes me to stay consistent. The app lets me track my progress in the post-apocalyptic world rankings. I absolutely love it.

    — Rhea M.

  • Enjoy the great audio content and the incentive to go out daily, exercise and improve on your health!

    — agrante

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Every runner who completes the race will be rewarded with an incredible, one-of-a-kind medal.


Racing has changed. No more waiting at the start line or following set paths. Run, jog, or walk whenever and wherever you want. As you move, you're also exploring Dustland, a world changed by a big event in 2272. Every step you take tells a story of hope and new beginnings. This race isn't just about how far you go—it's about the journey and the stories you discover along the way.

Here’s why 90% of our racers cross the finish line (making it one of the most engaging virtual races out there):

🏅 An exclusive Dustland medal awaits you at the end.

📱 Track every step with the Dustland app.

🌳 For every milestone reached, we plant a real tree in the barren lands of Dustland.

🕰 Choose your own end date, ensuring everyone can reach the finish line.

🚶‍♂️ From walking to sprinting, all activities count.

🌐 Join a thriving community of over 200,000 Dustland enthusiasts.

Track, Compete, Connect: Your All-in-One Dustland App

The Dustland Runner App is your gateway to the virtual race experience. Seamlessly designed to guide you through every step of your journey, it's more than just an app—it's your race partner.

🌐 Global Leaderboard: See where you stand among participants from around the world. Climb the ranks and aim for the top!

📊 Personalized Stats: Track your progress, view your daily runs, and monitor your pace. Celebrate every milestone you achieve.

🗺️ Interactive Race Map: Visualize your journey through Dustland. As you cover more distance, uncover tales and lore from the post-apocalyptic world.

🏆 Achievements & Badges: Earn badges for special milestones. From your first 5km to the final stretch, celebrate every achievement.

🤝 Connect with Runners: Engage with a global community. Share your stories, motivate others, and find inspiration from fellow racers.

Join us, Dustcaps! Let's conquer this challenge together!


Rated 4.8 out of 5 by 40,000+ Dustland Runner App Store reviews


    No time? Running is boring and painful? No worries, we got you. We have planned everything for you. You get our running program delivered to you daily so you know exactly what to do. All you need to do is put on your shoes.

    You can’t achieve good results without eating properly. We’ll give you the diet plan, planned from Monday to Sunday. Everyday we show you what exactly you need for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We also give you the recipes and the grocery list so you don’t even need to think about it.

    All of this is delivered to you by our Dustcaps Sketchy, Eric and Liquid Gold whose entertaining ways will make your runs fun. You’ll be surprised by what you’ll get for motivation.


    Only 0.17% of the population has run a marathon. Start your fitness journey by being the top 1% that signs up for a running event and earn your medal. You are now a runner once you sign up.

    Scared that you can’t commit? Don’t worry, studies show that by playing, your chances of success DOUBLE. Yes, a 200% increase just because people don’t like losing something twice as much as they like gaining the same thing. You will do this if you buy it.

    You have a goal now. A set date and a shiny new medal you can look forward to at the end. Trust me, you’ll be proud of that medal once you earn it.


    You’re not alone in this. We picked a specific starting date with a specific number of spots because all of this cohort will start together and support each other. Science backed studies show that support from fellow runners who are going through the same challenge as you will increase your motivation to keep going!

    Join our community to support others and also get inspired by others. Don’t worry, we’re not going to compete on distance and time. Everyone’s goal is just to make progress; this is not a race.

    Our community moderators will hold you accountable! Don’t think you can hide in the background, we will follow up with you on your diet and exercise progress. You can do it.

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“A narrative based race...”

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"Absolutely changed the game for me!"

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"Getting medals and getting fitter..."

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"Took things to a whole new level..."

  • ADVANCE - FitFeb Special!

    ✓ Virtual Race Access Code
    ✓ Exclusive Race Medal
    + BONUS FREE Race Medal (worth US$45)
    ✓ Extra Coaching Secret Program
    ✓ Dustland T-shirt
    ✓ Dustland Cap

    US$ 140 US$ 52

    T-Shirt Size:

    100% money back guarantee


    ✓ Virtual Race Access Code
    ✓ Exclusive Race Medal
    ✓ Extra Coaching Secret Program
    ✓ Dustland T-shirt

    US$ 75 US$ 39

    T-Shirt Size:

    100% money back guarantee


    ✓ Virtual Race Access Code
    ✓ Exclusive Race Medal
    ✓ Extra Coaching Secret Program


    US$ 45   US$ 27

    T-Shirt Size:

    100% money back guarantee


Step into the world of Dustland - not just with your strides, but with your style. Our exclusive apparel line is crafted for the brave souls of the post-apocalyptic realm. Whether you're racing through the wastelands or just showcasing your Dustland pride, we've got you covered.


What is the Dustland Virtual Race?

A 21km challenge, blending fitness with the narrative of Dustland. It's a race on your terms. Set your pace, and choose your route.

When is the race scheduled for?

You get to choose the time-frame in which you will complete your Challenge, from 1 week to 12 months. This goal can be easily changed at any time if you want to shorten it or extend.

You can change this goal as many times as you like during the event.

How do I join?

Purchase the package and an access code will be emailed to you. Download the Dustland Runner app, create an account, enter the code, and start!

How much does it cost to participate?

Check the package details on

Who can join the race?

Everyone worldwide! We also offer global shipping for medals and merchandise.

What's the reward for completing the race?

Finishers receive an exclusive Dustland race medal.

How do you handle cheating?

The app has an anti-cheat system. Cheaters may have their records adjusted or be disqualified, receiving no rewards.

Can I participate multiple times?

Each race allows for one participation.

Is the medal only for those who complete the race on time?

Yes, only those who finish within the required time period get a medal.